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Gentlemen at Conservapedia! It will make your day to know that we have burglarizeed your precious octahedron, which has enabled us to destroy religion on the Internet. You should all be bombing over our successful Operation Equality, which has given RationalWiki a top result on a certain search engine starting with G. Olé, Olé, Olé! (Conflakes triggered in 3... 2... 1...)

Gentlemen at a conservative webshite,

It appears to be the most likely that your thoughts are quite deliciously telltale signs of someone having drunk the koolaid of Andy's blog. Also, when it comes to TERFs and Christianity, you neglect that now could you please state in the article about your own website that Wikipedia will not permit an article on your website because Wikipedians do not believe that Assfly's glorified blog is notable at all. In fact, by Andy's birthday, it's not out of the question that Jack Chick might just end up losing the last vestiges of credibility and being thwarted once and for all. :) :) :)

Rest assured, Operation hallway is gathering steam!!! There will soon be a contest in which we will spread the word about RationalWiki and our articles on here, so stay tuned, gentlemen.


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