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"An atheist believes in speciation regardless of the evidence, because it serves as his substitute for the existence of God." - A Schlafly.



"DeltaStar" (what a ridiculous user name!), religious intolerance is so prevalent among evolutionists that no further talk-page debates about it are necessary or will be tolerated. I've managed to read your rants and if you were a true agnostic you would have 50% Bible edits and 50% non-Bible edits, so it's painfully obvious that you're obviously clueless about "modern science". You also clearly deny that homeschooling stops liberal claptrap. It's simple logic: Fred Phelps is a liberal and a Democrat. As you can see on the liberal blogs, evolutionists both hate the Bible and are remarkably ignorant about it. I'm not interested in wasting my time with someone like you.--aschlafly 13:48, 10 June 2024 (UTC)

See also[edit]

Moral matrix[edit]

Here's my results after doing this little test:

MoralMatrix political systems.png
Pol 17a6058c1cf24d838fde90f50f0dab40.png

YOUR SCORE Your scored -3 on Moral Order and -1 on Moral Rules.

The following categories best match your score (multiple responses are possible): System: Liberalism

Ideology: Capital Democratism

Party: Democratic Party

Presidents: John F Kennedy

04' Election: John Kerry

08' Election: Barrack Obama

If I was 'Merrrican I probably would have voted that way.

Of the 577,833 respondents (10,347 on Facebook): 11% are close to you. 36% are more conservative. 5% are more liberal. 19% are more socialist. 27% are more authoritarian.

TV & radio 'personalities' that are complete cocks[edit]

  • Dara fucking O'Brian
  • Vernon fucking Kaye
  • Phil fucking Jupitus
  • Colin fucking Murray
  • Patrick fucking Keilty
  • Eamon bloody Holmes
  • Russel fucking Brand (what the fuck is this cunt anyway? A comedian? A DJ? A TV presenter? Or just a cock?)
  • Scott fucking Mills

Lest anyone accuse me of not enjoying TV comedy[edit]

This is funny...

As is Father Ted.