RationalWiki talk:Blogroll

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This Internet related article has been awarded SILVER status for quality. We like it, and you should too! See RationalWiki:Article rating for more information.


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Can you add Steve Sailer and HBD chick please[edit]

thank you74.14.28.186 (talk) 05:25, 27 November 2013 (UTC)

We don't have a blog roll on Racialism, so we'll pass kthx - David Gerard (talk) 16:10, 27 November 2013 (UTC)

Rationalblogs section[edit]

Moved here in case it's ever relevant:
=== [http://www.rationalblogs.org Rationalblogs] === Blogs by RationalWikians under our affiliated project umbrella, Rationalblogs. *[http://arrabiata.rationalblogs.org Arriabiata] by Genghis *[http://interpretation.rationalblogs.org Interpretations] by Interpreted *[http://layperson.rationalblogs.org Layperson's Terms] by {{subst:U|Radioactive afikomen}}. A blog that Radioactive Man was tricked into accepting. Has no single focus at the moment, but is consistently insightful. *[http://mesolimbic.rationalblogs.org/ Mesolimbic pathway] by {{subst:U|Tmtoulouse}}. One of several blogs run by Tmtoulouse. *[http://redundantreps.rationalblogs.org/ Redundant Repetitions] by {{subst:U|Thunderkatz}}. *[http://medusa.rationalblogs.org/ Jellyblog] by [[User:Chaos!|Jellyfish!]]. Covers whatever random stuff pops into Jellyfish's head. Not remotely serious.
Alas. FU22YC47P07470 (talk/stalk) 19:27, 21 February 2015 (UTC)