Talk:Jimmy Dore/Archive1

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This is an archive page, last updated 6 June 2018. Please do not make edits to this page.
Archives for this talk page: , (new)(back)


In order to avoid edit-warring and hissy fits, the main page has been protected for the next 24 hours. We will discuss the content/tone of this article here, like the adults we claim to be. RoninMacbeth (talk) 05:44, 4 August 2017 (UTC)

I have come to the conclusion that Tea Sagan is a Jimmy Dore sockpuppet, We shouldn't let this kind of shit go down on this site.Jaydogg1994 (talk) 09:36, 4 August 2017 (UTC)
@Jaydogg1994, when does Dore actually say that the Trump/Russia/Assange story was made up by the CIA to discredit WikiLeaks?
Edit: to clarify, I'm asking you since you were the first to make that claim (in this edit). CowHouse (talk) 03:08, 8 August 2017 (UTC)
I linked the wrong video by accident, he makes the claim in this video that the Russia story is a CIA attempt to smear Trump(he doesn't mention Assange) His videos are so full of unsourced or poorly sourced material that it's to keep track of what he's saying, I do recall him saying in one video that I can't find now that it was a plot to discredit WikiLeaks. : (talk) 07:55, 8 August 2017 (UTC)

Spitting a drink[edit]

I edited the sentence about spitting a drink. I hope it's fine. YB indeed! 16:35, 11 August 2017 (UTC)

"All cops are criminals"[edit]

I was thinking of editing his thoughts on the police, but I will have to source my statements carefully. If memory serves, he justifies his claim that all cops are criminals by saying that even the "good cops" abet and cover for the systematic criminal abuses of their coworkers, either by actively helping coverups or staying willfully silent. I will have to find some sources on this before I make any edits, though. However, I think some context would be a welcome addition to his thoughts. As I have said before, I am lazy, so I'll get around to it eventually or never. YB indeed! 16:42, 11 August 2017 (UTC)

Not a fan of Dore. He tries to be edgy and outrageous in order to get viewership, and comes off as an ignorant asshole. But I have to say, there have been some RW accounts so anxious to stab at Dore, they go out of their way to interpret certain of his utterances in the worst possible way. E.g. Dore chides media for entertaining dubious Russia theories, so the conclusion is "he's an apologist for Putin" etc. What they don't realize is, there are so many legit examples of Dore's craziness, there's no need to make up examples. Leuders (talk) 17:03, 11 August 2017 (UTC)
@Leuders: Ideally, the Russia stuff would be included but rewritten for the purpose of contrasting the claims of which he is highly sceptical compared to claims he will immediately believe without evidence. If something is plausible to his worldview and political beliefs he will immediately believe it without evidence (e.g. Seth Rich, Hillary Clinton fake news, Syria), but if it contradicts his worldview then all of a sudden he requires a substantial amount of proof. Also, the "he's an apologist for Putin" quote is not on the page.
@YB: I see what you're saying although that explanation does not make Dore's claims any less inflammatory, unhelpful or inaccurate. There are cops who hate dirty/racist cops and have been whistleblowers on misconduct. Police have also risked their own lives to save other people's. You can talk about the blue wall of silence without saying every cop is a criminal just like how you can talk about Islamic terrorism without saying all Muslims are bad people (which is the equivalent of what Dore has done). CowHouse (talk) 02:56, 12 August 2017 (UTC)

Dore responds poorly to criticism[edit]

I was thinking about adding a section about how Dore overreacts to being criticised. He has characterised criticism of him to be a "smear" (e.g. Dore says he was smeared by David Weigel for writing that Dore "chewed over the revelation that (Seth) Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks").

He also made a video shortly after Carrie Fisher's death that was in quite poor taste. After the negative reaction, Dore wrote this in the comments section:

And to all the unbelievably overly sensitive concern trolls who don't understand comedy, your outrage proves you know nothing of Carrie, this is the EXACT kind of thing that Carrie would howl over. I guess nobody saw "Post Cards From The Edge"? Which was written by Carrie. Or her one woman show "Wishful Drinking". If this sketch upsets you, please watch those and then go fuck yourself.

He then released a follow-up video mocking those who thought the video was tone-deaf by using a character called "offended listener" who said he "was so traumatised I've been in my safe space since I heard your audio Holocaust."

So ultimately I am wondering if this information is relevant for a RationalWiki page. I thought I would check beforehand rather than waste my time on a section that ends up being reverted. Any thoughts? CowHouse (talk) 05:05, 21 August 2017 (UTC)

Browse some of the articles in the conspiracy sidebar to see how RW covers living people. You'll find that RW articles largely concentrate on describing the conspiracy ideas a person is pushing, and then explaining the evidence for why they are false. We don't concentrate at all on listing a person's responses to criticism that contain no substance aside from "that guy criticized me so he sucks". Re the parody phone call videos; Dore is a comedian with an internet talk show who does and says stuff that is outrageous, insensitive, or in poor taste. Unless his material crosses into bigotry, xenophobia, etc. RW isn't really interested in which comedy bits are funny and which aren't. Leuders (talk) 13:26, 21 August 2017 (UTC)
I will add it to the article.Jaydogg1994 (talk) 03:23, 23 August 2017 (UTC)
Don't waste your time. It will probably get reverted. CowHouse (talk) 03:32, 23 August 2017 (UTC)