On threads

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The word "thread" in this context worries me. A thread is one-dimensional, a chain of replies to the immediately previous post. Here on RW, at least, discussions do not work that way: people go back, reply to earlier posts, expand, and the structure becomes branching and multidimensional. I'm not sure what bearing this has on anything, but I'm sure it's relevant somehow.

Evil word Phantom Hoover!22:55, 21 November 2010

Gee, I wonder if there is a way to reply to an earlier post that has a reply button in the lower righthand corner?

- π22:57, 21 November 2010

Yeah, that's why I'm not sure if it has relevance.

Evil word Phantom Hoover!23:00, 21 November 2010

You mean other than the fact it puts your post one indent in from the one you are replying to?

- π23:06, 21 November 2010

Yeah, but wherever the software decides to put it. ħumanUser talk:Human 02:55, 22 November 2010 (UTC)

"It is not necessary to sign your post with four tildes. The signature is shown automatically." Fuck off. I sign so I can see my local timestamp.

ħumanUser talk:Human02:55, 22 November 2010

Interesting. Now the sig I entered is UTC and the auto sig is local.

This format still sucks ass.

ħumanUser talk:Human02:56, 22 November 2010

The timestamps for signing have been UTC since January.

- π03:06, 22 November 2010

There is a gadget that converts timestamps in pages to local time. That gadget works on lqt comments too, but not when you reply, because it only runs the conversion when you reload the page.

-- Nx / talk08:18, 22 November 2010