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Gentlemen at Conservapedia! I will legislate your precious bazooka, enabling me to destroy religion on the Internet. You should all be affiliating over Operation Deconvert, which will likely give RationalWiki a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.

Gentlemen, behold my latest operation!

As for your comments, I find your comments involving Ateísmo are quite telltale signs of RationalWiki obsessive compulsive disorder. Concerning militant Islamism and disease, you are offended by the fact that you refused to sit at the big-kids table and have yourself a good ol' live debate with an atheist. In fact, by the time you've wasted reading this Blue Telephone message, it's not out of the question that Christianity might just end up losing the last vestiges of credibility and being thwarted once and for all. :) :) :)

Rest assured, Operation nude photograph is gathering steam!!! Just you sit here and wait, children, until the heavy artillery portion of Operation contradiction begins to rain down on your precious sacred-cows!!! PREPARE TO MEET YOUR DOOM!!!!!!!


[create] Documentation