
Fun:Schlafly Quote Generator

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"Anonymous User", unfortunately I can only conclude that you don't have an open mind about this. I skimmed through your recent edits and you seem to believe that the Romans had the concept of "truth", so my confidence is over three standard deviations away from the mean that you're here to do harm to family values. Your atheistic worldview has led you to deny that God prevents against racism. It's simple logic: animals fled to high ground in the tsunami that devastated Indonesia merely 5 years ago. Evolutionists would likely claim (based on materialism) that such behavior is impossible or implausible, yet it undeniably occurred. Enough said.--aschlafly 02:48, 2 June 2024 (UTC)


The above is constructed almost entirely from things Andrew Schlafly has actually said in his postings at Conservapedia. We made up maybe 1% of them to get the thing going and to test grammar issues, but they're representative and you can spot them—they're usually the less insane sounding ones. Please add direct quotes — the crazier the better — but feel free to paraphrase to make the language work in context. And lest you question the accuracy of this infernal device, it passes the Turing Test (or perhaps Andy fails it; we're not sure).
Talk page lacking that Schlafly je ne sais quoi? Try the SQG template!