RationalWiki:Best of the elections

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This is the place to sort, search and review all the classic What Is Going On with the elections? moments. Results are sorted by vote count and month, at the moment you can provide your own vote number cutoff, browse different months, or filter all the results by a keyword.

The day-to-day updates of the elections are over at What Is Going On with the elections? and all new contenders should be added there. Entries are automagically moved here.


121No news item, just up-vote if you suddenly wish Apocalypse theology were true and we could all be cursed to walk 7 years of hell on earth for being atheists instead of what we're actually getting.
105United States Twitter finally bans Trump's account.
88United States Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the USA. Trump concedes grace- ha! Who are we kidding?
88Democratic candidate Doug Jones defeats Roy Moore in Alabama's special election for the United States Senate.
75United States Hillary Clinton said she will not be running for President in 2020.
75Theresa May warned us about a coalition of chaos, propped up by religious fundamentalist extremist terrorist sympathisers. She just didn't say that she'd be trying to lead it.
62Chile In yet another very polarized election in South America, Chile elects its youngest ever president, leftist Gabriel Boric, who defeated the Augusto Pinochet bootlicker José Antonio Kast in the runoff election.
61United States A new WSJ poll suggests that overturning Roe v. Wade made voters more likely to support abortion rights. Not only that, but voters ranked abortion as having made them more likely to vote in the 2022 midterm elections than inflation did — and voters ranked abortion as their #3 most important issue. Also, Catholic voters are now almost 60% in favor of abortion rights in all or most cases — despite the Catholic Church being anti-abortion.
60United StatesAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a young Democratic Socialist, defeats incumbent Joe Crowley in the primary for an important New York house seat.
59Macron wins French election in landslide victory
57United States Facebook bans Trump on its platforms at least until the end of his term.
56United StatesGeorgia (U.S. State). In a recorded call, Trump urges Georgia's Secretary of State to "find" more Trump votes
56United States The Senate confirmation of Electoral College votes is interrupted and the Senate evacuated when an angry mob of Donald Trump supporters storm the Capitol.
55United StatesNathan Larson, Virginia independent congressional candidate admits he’s a pedophile to reporter in phone interview. Among other things wants to legalize incest and child pornography. He also had a 3 year old daughter who is, thankfully, not in his custody anymore. RationalWiki veterans may remember him as Tisane.
52MexicoLeftist candidate Lopez Obrador wins the Mexican presidency in a landslide.
50Thailand Thailand opposition crushes military parties in election rout
49United Kingdom In a very hostile political climate, four Conservative candidates have been suspended ahead of the local elections. One for antisemitic and AIDS jokes; one for calling for returning the death penalty to execute homosexuals; one for claiming the Labour Party spreads STIs, and one for complaining that racial slurs aren't acceptable anymore.
48United StatesPennsylvania. And the moment you all have been waiting for: John Fetterman defeats that quack Mehmet Oz.
47Brazil Brazil's runoff election between Luiz Inacio da Silva and incumbent Jair Bolsonaro has started. In current live results. Lula is barely leading over Bolsonaro. Update: Lula defeats Bolsonaro
46Cuba Cubans to vote in a national referendum on whether to protect gay rights, including gay marriage. No polling has been done on the issue, however it can be roughly ascertained that the measure will succeed, in part due to state media strongly backing it. The Catholic Church is opposed, and some anti-government Cubans want to use disapproval votes to signal disapproval of the government in general. Update: It passed, 67% to 33%.
46Brazil Outgoing Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, is now demanding that votes in the election should be invalidated after losing to Lula. Update: Court rejects Bolsonaro's attempt to overturn the Brazilian election, fines his party 4.3 million US dollars for asking in "bad faith".
46UK election results: Tory collapse leads to hung parliament.
45United States Lauren Boebert, the QAnon-loving, gun-toting freshman GOP Congresswoman, who allegedly live tweeted Nancy Pelosi's position, during the recent Capitol terrorist attack, has had her Twitter account locked.
44United StatesGeorgia (U.S. State). Polls have indicated that both Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock have won by a knifepoint, the two Georgian seats in the Senate. If so the Senate would flip to Democrat control.
43United States Add YouTube to the list of platforms that have banned Trump.
43Germany Social Democrats win most seats in German election, which will most likely put an end to 16 years of Conservative control
43United StatesArizona. Katie Hobbs defeats Kari Lake, giving another election denier a humiliating loss. This also breaks a Republican trifecta in the state.
43United StatesAlabama. SCOTUS rules that Alabama's congressional map is an illegal racial gerrymander.
42BrazilBrazil's military has released a report stating there is no evidence of election fraud.
41United StatesWisconsin. Trump requested Milwaukee County recount comes back, reveals that Trump gave them $3 million just to find 132 more votes for Biden. Good thing Wisconsin got paid up front.
41United StatesNevada. The entire staff of the Nevada Democratic Party resigns (and takes all the funds) after the DSA slate won in the leadership election, after spending the entire campaign accusing the left of seeking to divide the party
41United StatesDemocrat Conor Lamb won in a major electoral upset in a deep-red district.
41United States A Democrat has won a Missouri state house seat in a district Trump won in a landslide.
40United Statesthe District of Columbia. Dominion Voting Systems sues Trump lawyer Sidney "Kraken" Powell for $1.3 billion in damages.
40United States Rudy Giuliani facing a $1.3 billion defamation suit from Dominion Voting Systems.
40United States Mike Lindell, Jan 2021: "I want [Dominion] to sue me. Please. Because I have all the evidence, 100%. I want all the American people and the world to see the horrific things that these machines are capable of."

Mike Lindell, Apr 2021: umm, so, Dominion sued me I don't want them to sue me judge can you dismiss it plz plz plz

Judge Carl Nichols, now: Nope. Motion to dismiss denied.
40United StatesFlorida. Florida judge strikes DeSantis' gerrymandered map, siding with Black voters
40Poland Ballot count makes it official: right-wing PiS government loses its parliamentary majority in Poland to a coalition of centre-right, liberal, and leftist parties.
40United States Scott Walker loses his bid for a third term as Governor of Wisconsin.
39United States More than half of Republican Party voters, 53 percent, said they think Donald Trump is currently the "true president" of the United States, not Joe Biden, a new poll shows.
39United StatesArizona. Hyper-partisan audit finds that Biden won Maricopa County by 360 additional votes. However, multiple election experts have stated that the numbers are made-up, so the results should still be taken with a grain of salt.
39United StatesNevada. Cortez Masto wins the Nevada senate race, meaning Democrats retain control of the Senate.
39Ecuador On the same day, Ecuadorians voted on a referendum and decided against oil drilling in one protected part of the Amazon Rainforest.
39Turkey Turkey's main opposition party is closing in on victory in the main cities of Istanbul and Ankara
39United StatesThe Democrats narrowly take back the House while the GOP expands its majority in the Senate. A list of firsts for women in the 2018 midterm election.
38United StatesVoters in six states handed eight transgender, nonbinary and gender-nonconforming candidates victories in state legislative elections (including in Kansas and Oklahoma).
38United States Trump's lawyer, Lin Wood, decides to bolster his chances of having his petition before SCOTUS heard, by accusing Chief Justice Roberts of being a murderous paedophile.
38United States Donald Trump dismisses as "fake news" the idea that he is going to start a new party and strongly hints that he will run for President again in 2024. And the lying bloody git still insists he won the November 2020 election.
38United StatesArizona. Federal judge imposes a restraining order on "Clean Elections USA", a conservative group operating in Arizona that believes that massive voter fraud swung the 2020 presidential election, from carrying weapons near voting areas, or videotaping and doxxing voters suspected of being "mules" carrying multiple ballots on social media, on the grounds that it is basically a textbook case of voter intimidation.
38United StatesColorado. Colorado votes to legalize psilocybin, aka "magic mushrooms". It is the second state to do so after Oregon.
38United StatesThe GOP-controlled House is off to a great start as Kevin McCarthy has failed fourteen votes for Speaker, leaving the legislature in limbo. Here's why 21 Republicans are refusing to support him. For those wondering, the last time the House failed to elect a Speaker was in 1923, almost exactly 100 years ago. Update: McCarthy has officially been elected as Speaker of the House on the 15th vote.
38Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan trails the opposition by more than 10 points ahead of an election in Turkey in May.
38A US federal court has ruled that Republican gerrymandering in Wisconsin is unconstitutional.
37United States Setback for woo-pushers and dangerous COVID denialists: According to a study, misinformation about election fraud fell by 73% after social media crackdown on QAnon and assorted crooks
37Morocco Islamists suffer crushing defeat, while the liberal party won the most seats.
37Japan Ken Akamatsu, a manga artist, wins a seat in the House of Councillors election, on a campaign focused on freedom of speech, better working conditions and copyright protections for manga artists
37LatviaGay Pride Flag.svg Edgars Rinkēvičs is elected as president of Latvia, making him the first openly-gay president of a post-Soviet country.
37 New York Times obtains tax records of Donald Trump showing he could have gotten away with not paying any taxes... for 18 years. Update: Trump aides Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani double down, claiming that the NYT exposé is a "very good story" showcasing the "genius" of Mr Trump and "this kind of economic genius is a lot better for the United States than a woman".
37United StatesDemocrat Kyrsten Sinema wins the Arizona Senate race.
36Mississippi. United States Mississipi voters approve a new flag to replace Confederate-themed state flag
36United States Judges are handling out spankings to lawyers representing Trumpist attempts to show fraud - "I regret to inform you that your submission is defective,"
36United States Members of the electoral college vote, with Joe Biden surpassing the 270 votes required to win the presidency.
36United StatesColorado. Colorado voters have passed a ballot measure funding free school meals for all public students by raising taxes on people making more than $300,000 per year.
36United States Nancy Pelosi to stand down as leader of House Democrats.
36Trump has made millions from Saudi Arabia while criticizing Clinton for taking Saudi money.
36KenyaCambridge Analytica was also involved in the 2013 and 2017 Kenyan elections.
36United StatesMaine will be testing ranked voting in statewide elections.
35United States In a bizarre Oval Office meeting, Rudy Giuliani, White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, and chief of staff Mark Meadows had to talk Trump out of appointing Sidney "Kraken" Powell as a special counsel to investigate his election loss, and implementing disgraced general and QAnon fanboy, Michael Flynn's plan to use the military to keep him power. When Rudy has to be the voice of reason...
35United States "Lawyers" Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, along with Fox News hosts Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro, named as defendants in $2.7 billion defamation suit, brought by election technology company Smartmatic.
35United StatesCalifornia. Gavin Newsom wins the recall election
35United KingdomEngland LibDems win the North Shropshire by-election - a seat the Tories have held consistently since the 1830s - in a massive 34% swing.
35Brazil Brazilians go to the polls for the first round of general elections between eleven candidates, including right-wing nationalist/populist incumbent Jair Bolsonaro, and leftist former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. If none of the candidates receive over 50% of the vote, there will be a runoff election on October 30th between the top two candidates (likely Bolsonaro and Lula). Update: It seems that there will be a runoff election. Lula is in a slight lead with ~48% of votes while Bolsonaro received ~43%, outperforming polls.
35United StatesGeorgia (U.S. State). Warnock defeats Walker in the Georgia runoff, meaning the Democratic majority in the US Senate will grow to 51-49. This also makes it likelier that Georgia's 2020 election results weren't a fluke for Democrats.
35United StatesAlabama. Federal court rejects Alabama's congressional map and will draw new districts to boost Black voting power.
35Donald Trump’s director of African-American outreach has an ominous warning for all who dared to criticize the Republican presidential nominee:Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump. It’s everyone who’s ever doubted Donald, who ever disagreed, who ever challenged him. It is the ultimate revenge to become the most powerful man in the universe.” Then blames Obama's jokes about Trump's Birther investigation for Trump's candidacy.
34United StatesOhio. Ohio lawmakers still can't draw a congressional map that doesn't break the state constitution... They've sent the map drawing task back to the Ohio Redistricting Commission, after lawmakers failed to devise and approve a suitable map by Sunday, 6 February, the deadline set by the Ohio Supreme Court.
34United States Biden's current plan to get re-elected: oppose GOP book bans, support abortion rights, and defend Social Security. The fact that these stances poll very well seems to be the main reason why they were selected as a primary focus. Those who have watched voter priorities polling should know that he will need a broader economic message too, however.
34United States Democrats have overperformed in 2023's special elections so far.
34United StatesOhio. Ohio voters reject the GOP-backed Issue 1, which proposed that a 60% majority would be required for any future ballot issues that would amend the state constitution. This was part of a larger attempt to sabotage future ballot issues regarding abortion.
34Borowitz: "Republicans Urge Replacing Man Who Hates Women with Man Who Hates Women and Gays"
34After weeks, if not months, of shouting how the election is rigged against Trump, a Trump supporter in Iowa has been arrested for voting for Trump twice.
34United States Georgia is still insisting that its elections are fine, despite one precinct's turnout for its primaries being 243%!
34United States Laura Kelly, a Democrat, has bested Trump-backed far-right candidate Kris Kobach in the race for Kansas governor.
33United States Donald Trump has fucking Coronavirus. UPDATE: Joe Biden tests negative
33United StatesNews outlets are beginning to call the election for Joe Biden
33United StatesGeorgia (U.S. State). Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga) is due in court today to defend her eligibility to hold office against a charge that she has breached the 14th amendment - if you take an oath to defend the constitution you are inelgible for office if you then engage in insurrection and rebellion.... and she'll have to testify under oath against penalty of perjury.... which might be interesting given her lack of practiice at speaking truthfully anywhere else.
33Colombia Leftist Gustavo Petro wins Colombia's presidential election, becoming their first leftist president and beating Hitler follower Rodolfo Hernández.
33United StatesArizona. A Maricopa County Superior Court judge, appointed by Arizona's GOP governor, has thrown out Kari Lake's legal challenge to her 2022 election loss. Lake's team alleged that some ballot printers temporarily running low on ink proved widespread fraud and called to overturn the election.
33Poland Liberal-Conservative Donald Tusk has been elected as Poland's new prime minister.
33Taiwan William Lai wins the presidential election in Taiwan, which is likely to anger China.
33United StatesFlorida. Ron DeSantis drops out of the Republican primary.
33Ralph Northam defeats Republican opponent Ed Gillespie for the seat of Governor of Virginia. Trump's reason for why Northam won was predictable: "Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for." Meanwhile, Danica Roem is elected Virginia's first openly transgender legislator, defeating a homophobic opponent in the race.
33Right wing populist Norbert Hofer finally concedes the Austrian presidential election, making Alexander Van Der Bellen the first Green Party head of state
32United StatesPennsylvania. Voter fraud in Pennsylvania! Registered Republican moron Ralph Thurman tried to vote twice, the second time pretending to be his registered Democrat son while "disguised" with a pair of sunglasses.
32United StatesGeorgia (U.S. State). Lindsey Graham faces formal ethics complaint, for seeming to try and interfere with the Georgia election result.
32United States General Services Administration clears Biden to receive transition access and funding as "apparent winner" of the election.
32Slovenia Slovenia's 3-term, Trump-loving, nationalistic Prime Minister, Janez Janša, defeated by liberal Freedom Movement, which only formed in January.
32United StatesFlorida. Laura Loomer has lost the primary for Florida’s 11th U.S. House district. Update: She is now refusing to concede defeat and has claimed voter fraud.
32United StatesAlaska. In a major upset, Democrat Mary Peltola defeats Sarah Palin in the special election for Alaska's at-large House district.
32United StatesArkansas. Maryland. Missouri. North Dakota. South Dakota. Arkansas, Maryland, Missouri, North Dakota and South Dakota have ballot measures for voters to consider legalizing recreational marijuana.
32Poland Right-wing PiS party appears to have just lost their majority in parliament to the three main opposition parties, based on exit polling. Rest in PiSS.
32United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak calls a general election for Thursday 4th July
32United StatesThe big story from Tuesday's primaries: Andrew Gillum, the Bernie Sanders-endorsed progressive mayor of Tallahassee, scored a major upset victory in the Florida Democratic gubernatorial primary, bucking a trend of the state party nominating centrists for Governor who inevitably go down in defeat to the Republicans. Less surprising: the hard-right Ron DeSantis won the Republican gubernatorial primary, and wasted no time throwing racist dog whistles at Gillum (who is black).
31United StatesTexas. Pennsylvania. SCOTUS denies Texas's complaint in the Texas v. Pennsylvania, et al. lawsuit. (PDF)
31United States A Qanon believer who tried to beat Mike Johnson in Louisiana has been arrested for possession of child pornography.
31United StatesArizona. A bunch of Trump supporters in Arizona attempted to submit their own 'Certificate of ascertainmentWikipedia' for Trump to the National Archive, ahead of the official AZ electors; genuinely thinking if a bunch of idiots just make their own and send it in first, that supersedes the official one. Given the fact that a notary associated with the group, was also dumb enough to notarize their document, they're likely going to be in deep trouble.
31United StatesWisconsin. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel published an editorial calling on Senator Ron Johnson to either resign or be expelled. He asked for space to respond, which he was provided - along with footnotes providing context and pointing out his lies.
31United StatesMississippi. Republican nutjob, and Confederate wannabe, Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, says people shouldn't be allowed to vote on a Sunday, because the US currency says "In God We Trust."
31United States Ohio. Ohio Supreme Court strikes down R gerrymander in a huge win for the left. Alternate source for those afflicted with "This content is not available in your country/region."
31United StatesOregon. A ballot measure in Oregon would require people who want to buy a gun to pay a fee, take a safety course, submit fingerprints, and pass a background check to obtain a permit. It would also ban high capacity (meaning more than 10 rounds) magazines.
31United StatesIllinois. Illinois voters approve a amendment to the state constitution banning laws interfering with collective bargaining and unionizing.
31United StatesWashington. A huge upset — Democrat Marie Glusemkamp Perez defeats Republican Joe Kent in the race for Washington's third district, which had been considered safe for Republicans. The original incumbent was Jaime Herrera Beutler, who had voted to impeach Donald Trump, but she was primaried by Kent, who has ties to white nationalist groups.
31United StatesSeveral Fox News pundits seem to be wondering if the network's repeated attacks on early voting have backfired on the GOP.
31United StatesFlorida. Ron DeSantis's biggest donor threatens to cut off funds if he doesn't become more moderate. Mere hours later, DeSantis states that claims the 2020 election was stolen are "unsubstantiated".
31United StatesColorado. Colorado Supreme Court rules that Donald Trump is ineligible to appear on the 2024 ballot.
31Carly Fiorina breaks the record for shortest-ever VP run, as Ted Cruz drops out. The anointed one has been defeated.
31"Disorganization and sheer incompetence within the Trump campaign."
31Bernie Sanders stood a better chance of defeating Donald Trump compared to Hillary Clinton. As a matter of fact, in a recent MSNBC forum, Sanders managed to earn the support of Trump voters. (Autoplay video)
31United StatesFormer coal executive Don Blankenship, who served a year in prison for safety violations in a 2010 disaster that killed 29 miners, loses the West Virginia GOP Senate primary after a bitter, racially charged campaign. He was such an awful candidate that even Trump urged voters to reject him. Predictably, he blamed "the establishment" for his loss.
31United StatesThe Californian Democratic Party snubs five-term US Senator Feinstein in favor of endorsing democratic socialist challenger Kevin de Leon.
31At a certain point, one has to wonder if the phrase "voter fraud" is going to be the Republican party motto, as Roy Moore asks for an investigation even as Doug Jones' win is certified.
31United States A Democrat wins a Kentucky House seat where Trump won 72% of the vote.
30TurkeyIn Turkey's local elections, results have indicated a loss for President Erdoğan's AKP. It has lost the mayoralty of the capital Ankara, to cross-party opposition candidate Mansur Yavaş. Plus, it is in a tight race for the mayoralty of the county’s largest city and economic capital Istanbul, between AKP’s Binali Yıldırım, and the opposition CHP's Ekrem İmamoğlu. If the CHP wins Istanbul, it would be the first time in over fifteen years and a massive blow to the president.
30IsraelIsrael to hold fresh election in September as Netanyahu fails to form coalition
30United States Only one racial bloc showed solid support for Donald Trump's re-election bid
30United Statesthe District of Columbia. At least 35 Capitol police officers are under investigation for their role in the January 6th terrorist attack on Congress.
30IsraelFormer Israeli Labor PartyWikipedia Leader Izhak Herzog is the new President of Israel.
30United States As part of a lawsuit by a former Dominion Voting System employee, an internal memo was made public that reveals the Trump campaign was aware that their "rigged election" claims were bullshit
30United States Mitch McConnell is worried about the GOP's chances of taking the Senate this year due to dogshit quality Senate candidates.
30United StatesMaryland. Maryland votes to legalize recreational cannabis, making it the twentieth state to do so.
30United StatesAlabama. Louisiana. Oregon. Tennessee. Vermont. Voters in Alabama, Tennessee, and Vermont voted to amend their state constitutions to outlaw slavery as a criminal punishment. Louisiana voted to retain prison slavery. Update: Oregon has abolished prison slavery as well.
30United StatesOhio. Ohio voters vote to enshrine abortion rights in the state consitution and also to legalize recreational cannabis, becoming the 24th state to do so.
30United States Trump praises fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter during rally speech while going on a nativist rant about undocumented immigrants
30Sick of these liberal media Shillary lies from pollsters, Breitbart runs its own poll, so there! ... Clinton comes out five points ahead of Trump.
30A company controlled by Donald Trump secretly conducted business in Cuba during Fidel Castro’s presidency despite strict American trade bans that made such undertakings illegal. (Autoplay video)
30United StatesDemocrats have taken all seven House seats in the historically Republican stronghold Orange County.
29United States Attorney General Bill Barr says the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. Irony meters explode at Trump attorney statement "his opinion (ie that of the AG) appears to be without any knowledge or investigation of the substantial irregularities and evidence of systemic fraud"
29SpainCatalonia Separatists grow majority in Catalonia regional parliament, despite the pro-union Socialist PartyWikipedia winning the most votes out of any single party.
29Australia The ruling Labor Party in West Australia sees a massive shift in its favour in the state election held 13 March. It increased its numbers in the 59 member house from 40 to 53, with a corresponding rout for the conservative opposition. The No Mandatory Vaccination party received 1.5% of votes and 0 seats. The Labor government had instituted a strong response to the covid crisis in 2020, which proved popular with the masses.
29United States The US is so politically polarized that vaccination is now an accurate predictor of election results
29United StatesColorado. A ballot measure in Colorado would make school lunches free by raising taxes on state residents making over $300k annually. It needs a simple majority to pass.
29United StatesMichigan. Several important victories for Democrats in the Great Lakes State: Firstly, Proposal 3, which will provide a state constitutional right to abortion, has passed. Secondly, Governor Gretchen Whitmer won reelection. Thirdly, and perhaps most surprisingly, Democrats have managed to flip both chambers of the Michigan state legislature, putting them in full control of the state for the first time since 1984. Update:Democrat Jocelyn Benson has won reelection as secretary of state, defeating a Trump-backed election denier.
29United StatesMinnesota. In Minnesota, the state Senate flipped blue to give Democrats first trifecta since before 2014.
28United StatesPennsylvania. QAnon morons with AR-15s arrested near Philadelphia vote counting center, having apparently intended to break in and "straighten things out."
28 United States Trump acccepts he may not be President after January, but gives strong hints at a 2024 run.
28United StatesGeorgia (U.S. State). Lin Wood, the batshit insane Trump lawyer, who led the charge to have election results overturned, because of "election fraud," under investigation for... election fraud.
28United StatesMichigan. Idiot Trumpist "Kraken" attorneys Lin Wood and Sidney Powell have been ordered by a federal judge to pay the legal fees of the Michigan election officials who they lodged spurious legal challenges against after the 2020 election. The judge also referred them to disciplinary authorities for investigation into the possibility of disbarment.
28United StatesPennsylvania. Josh Shapiro wins PA's governor election, keeping January 6 lunatic Doug Mastriano away from the governor's mansion.
28United StatesNebraska. Nebraska voters approved a ballot measure to raise the state minimum wage by $1.50 per year until it hits $15 in 2026 and then tie the minimum wage to inflation thereafter.
28United StatesWashington. Democrat Steve Hobbs wins the election for Washington Secretary of State. While this may seem like an expected result, the last time a Democrat had been elected into that position was 1960.
28A federal court orders Wisconsin to stop suppressing the vote.
27Florida. United States Conspiracy theorist and self-described "proud islamophobe" Laura Loomer lost her House of Representatives race to incumbent Democrat
27United StatesMassachusetts. Voters approve Question 1, a ballot measure guaranteeing the right to repair, by a factor of 75% in favor verus 25% against. In the process it also closes a loophole from a 2012 law that would have exempted wireless diagnostics from the law
27United States Florida man's legal team quits, weeks ahead of his second Senate impeachment trial.
27Canada Liberals projected to win in Canadian election which will result in virtually no difference from the last election 2 years ago.
27United StatesNorth Carolina. North Carolina Supreme Court strikes down gerrymandered map, also orders proportional map.
27United StatesAlabama. Louisiana. Oregon. Tennessee. Vermont. Slavery as a criminal punishment is on the ballot for voters in 5 US states.
27United StatesPennsylvania. The PA State House has now officially flipped blue, after Democrats win three special elections in safe-blue Pittsburgh-area seats in order to replace Representative Summer Lee, Lt. Governor Austin Davis, and the late Tony DeLuca. Previously, there had been a bit of drama to get a speaker, as the three vacancies meant neither side had a majority.
27United StatesCalifornia. California dinosaur Senator Dianne Feinstein announces that she will not run for reelection, opening the door for what will likely be the most intense Senate primary of the cycle. Among those running to replace her are Reps. Adam Schiff and Katie Porter.
27IndiaFlag of Karnataka, India.png The far-right BJP loses its majority in the Indian state of Karnataka.
27Chile Chile rejects the Constitution written by the conservatives and the far right.
27United StatesWisconsin. Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down the state's gerrymandered legislative maps.
27Scientific American has released their grading of Presidential candidates on science related issues. Surprising nobody, Clinton pulverized the competition winning 18 of the 19 graded questions. Jill Stein (handing Clinton's only loss) then Gary Johnson take second and third. Trump never scores higher than a 1/5 while only doing that for seven questions on the survey. "I believe in science!" indeed.
27The official KKK newspaper, The Crusader, has officially endorsed Trump for president.
26United KingdomUKIP gets destroyed in the local elections, losing about 80% of the seats they were defending. They went in with 111 seats, and ended the election with 24. Mind you, The Brexit Party, their main competitor for being the 'party of Brexit', wasn't running any candidates in the local elections. Based on current polling, UKIP would struggle to keep a single seat in the EU Parliament in the May 23rd electionWikipedia. Update:They ended the election losing 145 seats and ended with only 31 elected.
26Norway Norway's center-left heads to victory in parliamentary elections, with incumbent conservative PM conceding defeat in an campaign dominated by the issues of climate change and the kingdom's oil and gas exploration industry
26 Nicaragua After arresting the other candidates, dictator Daniel Ortega is reelected in Nicaragua.
26Colombia Former Bogotá mayor leftist Gustavo Petro leads in the primary elections. In addition, left-wing party Historic Pact made gains in both government chambers.
26United StatesArizona. Mark Kelly now projected to win the Arizona senate race for the Democrats. Also: Democrat Adrian Fontes wins election as secretary of state, defeating election denier Mark Finchem, who had ties to extremist groups and wanted to limit voting access.
26United StatesArizona. US District judge rejects bogus lawsuits from failed GOP candidates Kari Lake and Mark Finchem over the Arizona midterm results, orders them to pay resultant legal fees incurred by Maricopa County.
26United StatesVirginia. Genius analysis by a random GOP representative from Virginia says the Republicans lost the recent elections because they weren't anti-abortion enough.
26United StatesNew York. Democrats pick up one seat in the House of Representatives, where Republicans are a majority only by a razor-thin margin. This was a special election triggered by the expulsion of George Santos from the chamber.
26United StatesArizona. Kyrsten Sinema is not running for reelection.
26South Korea South Korea's liberal opposition party has trounced the conservative ruling party in a recent parliamentary election.
26United KingdomTrans flag.svg KJK frequently says “I never lose.”, but her Party of Women has flopped in the local elections. Three of the five candidates came last, one came fourth and one third with just 161 votes. On the other hand, the anti-TERF feminist Women's Equality Party has gained its first councillor in the borough of Basingstoke and Deane.
26United StatesIn the continuing adventures of the GOP's image problem regarding sexual assault/harassment, comes Jim Knoblach stopping his campaign for Minnesota state rep after allegations from his 23 year old daughter that he abused her from age 9 to 21.
26AustraliaThe Liberals lose their majority in the lower house of Australian Parliament.
26United StatesDonald Trump tweets that sending out mail-in ballots in California will lead to widespread voter fraud, That becomes the first ever of Trump's tweets to be given a fact-check warning label by Twitter. Trump then accuses Twitter of interfering in the US presidential election. He even threatens to close it down.
25Brazil Jair Bolsonaro loses big in municipal elections with candidates backed by him being knocked out of several races
25United Statesthe District of Columbia. The White House revokes access for Marc Short, Vice President Mike Pence's chief of staff.
25United States Ohio. Progressive Justin Bibb is the next mayor of Cleveland, beating moderate Kevin Kelley.
25 Czechia Due to demographic replacement, for the first time since 1948 there are no commies in the Czech parliment.
25United States Mike Lindell says he has "enough evidence" to put 300 million Americans in jail for election fraud
25France Exit polls suggest a 58% - 42% win for incumbent Emmanuel Macron over his rival Marine Le Pen in the French Presidential election.
25United States Andrew Yang and other Democrats and Republicans have formed a new centrist party called the Forward Party, which will probably have as much success as all the other third parties in US history.
25United StatesKansas. Incumbent Kansas governor Laura Kelly wins reelection over her GOP opponent (who promised to sign an anti-trans bill that Kelly vetoed).
25United StatesNevada. Republican Joe Lombardo narrowly defeats incumbent Gov. Steve Sisolak. Lombardo notably rejected Trump's claims of voter fraud in 2020 and dropped his support for a 13-week abortion ban.
25United States In a great sign for Ron DeSantis's campaign, his top strategists are literally on the verge of fist fights with each other.
25Japan Support for Japan's ruling LDP has plummeted to 14.6%, some of the worst numbers in the party's entire history.
25United StatesFlorida. Florida will vote, via a ballot initiative this year on whether to add abortion rights to its state constitution. Similar measures have succeeded in deeply red-leaning states like Kansas and Ohio, so one may expect this to succeed.
25United States The Supreme Court voted 9-0 to keep Donald Trump on the ballots. Are you even surprised?
25Kasich is out too. Now, there is only the Trump.
25Donald Trump totally didn't just call for the assassination of Hillary Clinton. He just advocated "second-amendment remedies" to stop her.
25Donald Trump continues grandstanding about the "rigged" election (something he's done throughout his campaign and something which has a long history in Republican rhetoric). Meanwhile his campaign, party and supporters are up to all sorts of dirty tricks, including (but not limited to) ongoing voter suppression in Republican states, mail flyers outrageously claiming that Democrat voters will be named and shamed, and trying to convince Clinton supporters they can vote online with a social media hashtag. Plus of course the ongoing incitement of voter intimidation and "patriot" violence.
25A Conservative MP has been forced to apologise after telling a high schooler to "fuck off back to Scotland" during a discussion on Scottish independence.
25United StatesThe Republicans are struggling to hold on to Orange County.Wikipedia
25United StatesPolling shows that the Democrats hold a 12-point lead in congressional preference among registered voters.